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UP-TIGHT official website
HAmamatsu Power
(with Anla Courtis)
(8mm050 : one-side LP)
2012年。8mm Record(italy)より片面オンリーでアナログ盤リリース。前年2月に浜松LUCREZIAで行ったAnla Courtis(Reynols)とのセッションを収録。
Fantastic meeting between Tokyo’s heroes Up-Tight and cosmic traveller Anla Courtis. Recorded February 18th, 2011 at Lucrezia in Hamamatsu Tokyo, here you have the rare chance to listen to these folks jamming completely free and at monstrous volume, perfectly alternating great explosions of electricity and quiet moments of dream-like psychedelia, for the real deal celestial burn-out!
Limited to 200 numbered copies, with handmade covers(8mm Rexcords)
volcanic Tongue
Hand-numbered edition of only 200 copies LP from this raging full-on Tokyo psych unit, here featuring Anla Courtis of Reynols on second electric guitar. Up-Tight have always had a heady Rallizes aspect and here it is in full force, with a track that moves from an initial explosive twin guitar w/freeform percussion headcharge into infinite waves of F/X-heavy two-chord folk dooms before Tomoyuki brings on the “Sweet Sister Ray” amplifier violence and the track builds to a chugging monochord assault complete with planet gobbling vocals. An amazing slice of classic Japanese psych with a deep connection to the 1990s source, cool colour paste-on sleeves too. Recommended!
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